Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Smita Mohanrao Patil

Prof. Smita Mohanrao Patil

Head of Department

The educational mission of the Civil Engineering undergraduate program is to provide students with an multidisciplinary curriculum that is fundamental, yet broad and flexible, to produce graduates who are well-grounded in mathematical, scientific, and technical knowledge. The aim of department to motivate Civil Engineering students to grow the ability to analyze, evaluates, and design Civil Engineering systems; have the ability to communicate effectively.

Department established in 2012 and offering continuous development of students, faculty members and stakeholders by means of excellent teaching learning process, various industrial visits, expert lectures from industries, project work focused on reuse of waste materials in construction sector. The department has well equipped laboratories that enable students to have practical knowledge in field of testing of construction materials, assessment of quality of water, properties of soil. A lot of opportunities in Civil engineering field includes consultancy in Environmental Engineering, Surveying, Geotechnical Engineering, Valuation & Estimating, Structural Design, Public sector jobs offered by Government, entrepreneurship in construction field.

Salient Features Of Department

  • Dedicated and well qualified faculty
  • National & International E-journals
  • Excellent academic track Record
  • Excellent Discipline


To impart quality education in civil engineering and technology that enables students to build durable structures with sustainable development.


  • To provide students quality education in civil engineering that prepares them for the practice at the professional level with values and ethics to meet the technical and social challenges of the future which contributes in development of nation.
  • To provide knowledge base and consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil engineering & create awareness about quality control in construction sector in rural areas.
  • To promote innovative and creative thinking in the minds of budding engineers to face the challenges of sustainable development and entrepreneurship.